Best Practices


5 ways to expand wellness


The corporate definition of wellness has grown broader than it was prior to the pandemic. While employee wellness programs previously focused primarily on physical health, from biometrics to fitness programs, most companies have now expanded their wellness approach to include overall well-being.

When employees enjoy a sense of well-being, they’re more likely to be engaged and productive. Conversely, if they’re worried about financial concerns, fighting burnout or feeling disconnected from their colleagues or friends and family, they’re not able to bring their best selves to work.

You may have already expanded your wellness programs and communications about wellness benefits available to employees. If not, here are five other aspects of well-being to consider.


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Help them get their heads up

Your company probably already offers mental health resources like in-person or online counseling through your Employee Assistance Program. Many employees may never have needed mental health resources in the past but experienced anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges during the pandemic that continue to linger.

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Help them manage their money

If media coverage of inflation and a possible recession hasn’t freaked them out, employees might have other financial challenges that are causing them stress. It’s a great time to incorporate education or support on issues like reducing debt, budgeting, building an emergency fund and retirement planning. Creating financial peace of mind is an important element of well-being.

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Help them practice mindfulness

According to Gallup, employee stress and anxiety are at an all-time high right now. Many corporate wellness platforms, like Virgin Pulse and Calm, provide guided approaches to mindfulness. Meditation, breathing exercise and yoga classes, either online or in-office, can help employees improve their mindfulness, which can in turn reduce stress, improve concentration and promote clarity of thinking.

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Help them fight burnout

Employees who never take vacation risk burnout, as well as other problems. This can be a cultural issue. For instance, they may not see their leaders taking time off, or they may feel like they’re expected to check email constantly while they’re out. Use internal communications to remind employees of the importance of vacation and encourage leaders to make their own vacations more visible.

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Help them build connections

It can be more difficult, especially for new hires, to build work relationships in a remote or hybrid work model. But those close team connections can be a huge factor in engagement and retention. Look for ways to help employees feel connected to each other, and to their communities. Volunteer activities, employee resource groups and other opportunities for relationship building can help.

How can we help?

Tribe does internal communications – and that’s all we do. We’re a full-service shop, from audits and strategy to creative and production.

Steve Baskin
President and Chief Strategy Officer
Office: (404) 256-5858
Mobile: (404) 663-7910
[email protected]